Friday, August 1, 2008

General Craftage

At the beginning of the summer, Rosa and I vowed to make these dollhead paperweights from this craft book she has. Now that she has about a week left and I have 17 days, we finally got around to it.


First, we decapitated dolls that we bought for $.99 at the thrift store, and used a steak knife to saw off their necks.

Then, we filled the with plaster.

Fake artsy-fartsy picture of the plaster drying, for time elapsing purposes.

We spray painted them black


Sprayed them with water-
And then added a layer of bronze!!

All done!

1 comment:

yellowsky said...

I like how you included the fact that the knife was a steak knife. I think that adds a certain sadistic quality to our craft life.
