Sunday, August 19, 2007

Some FO's

Whilst my camera was broken, I made this baby sweater for my pending little brother.
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Nothing special, my own design. Top down raglan, in sort of a kimono style with a seed stitch border, made out of one of those Joann sensation yarns. Despite that, It's wool , incredibly soft with good stitch definition.

I made an amugurimi tampon!

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With red, Ch 2, and Sc 6 into second ch from the hook, joining with a sl, and pull tight.
2Sc into each sc, for 12 sc's. Work for about 11 rows, and start working on the face.
switch to white, and work for about 7 rows.
Stuff as you go.
Sc2tog around for 6sc total. Work for about 2 rows, and then sk1 sc, sc, around until you have 2sc. Bind them together, and chain about 15 for the string. fasten off.

Happy crocheting!

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