Saturday, October 6, 2007

Jess Hutch Bunny!

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I finished this little bunny today. I used #7's and lambs pride. It didn't take much, i just used leftovers from the dreaded sweater. (I can't bring myself to weave all the ends in..... motivate me? Ha, yeah right.)

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chilling with all of the other knit/crochet/fleece creations in my room. Hannah made the adorable pink pillow guy.


Ilix said...

I love your bunny and his pals! So cute!

Kim said...

Hey, I love the little pears/eggplants/who-knows sitting with your bunny! Is there a pattern available for them?

Kim said...

And also: I just noticed the used tampon on the far left. I bet there is an amusing story behind that one... :P